For Pre-Game and Pre-Practice stretching and warm-ups. @ Practices line up on 20 yard line. @ Games line up on 15 yard line.
Purpose is to warm up and stretch muscles in a progressive manner and achieve stretching while gaining more muscle “heat”, overall goal is to prevent more running and other types of injuries found in typical high school sports programs (lack of proper warm-ups or skipping portions are common).
This is a merger of Duke men's lacrosse warmups and the PHS boys lacrosse warmups that were being used prior to March 2024. A big shout-out to Coach Tano @ PHS for reviewing the warm-up routine.
1 x 10 yards each exercise/stretch unless noted other wise:
Run a lap as a team. Around perimeter of football field at practices; to our 49 yard line at games.
Stretching motions (slower phase):
Walking Knee Hugs: Every step is an alternating knee hug (don’t take multi steps forward to do one knee hug). Make sure to add toe push up motions to lift body as hug completes. Every step should be a knee hug stretch (not once every 2 to 3 steps like previous routines)
See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Quad Stretch: Raise one arm stretched vertically in air, while keeping legs straight swing opposite leg forward slightly and then back and pull leg up behind to bum for a second. Repeat with opposite arms and leg on next step. Every step forward should be a walking quad stretch.
See Youtube Video for correct technique.
On one leg reach the opposite foot back as far as you can keeping your leg straight (point toes back so top of foot is stretched as well), and at the same time extend your 2 arms in front of you as far as you can, keeping your arms straight. You should look similar to superman in flight. Hold the superman poistion to the count of 2. Every step forward should be a superman stretch.
See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Frankenstein (or Toy-Soldier-Skip): Extend one arm out forward and level, kick opposite leg upwards toward extended arm keeping leg straight and toes pointed upwards so they touch your fingers (or close to them) of the extended arm. A hop type motion is observed in the toy-soldier-skip version. Every step forward should be a Frankenstein or Toy-Soldier-Skip.
See Youtube Video for Toy Soldier Skip version
Open gate & close gate: a groin stretch opening legs out in one direction
with knee at waist level and then foot placed down on ground. Take 1-2 steps forward and then repeat with opposite leg. You should get 4-5 for each leg per each 15 yards (8-10 total). Open the gate for first 15 yards, close the gate going back 15 yards. 2 x 15 yards.
See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Scoops (hamstring scoop): one leg out front like you are going to take a step but weight remains on back leg while slightly bending that one at the knee. Front leg & knee is straight so you get a good stretch on your hamstring. Bend at the waist and stretch down like you would to touch both sides of the ankle and then come upwards in arc like scoop motion with arms. Every step forward should be a scoop stretch.
See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Lunge and Twist: Lunge forward until back knee rests on ground. Do an upper torso twist to side with knee that is up. Stand up (going forward) into an over emphasized march step and go down into stretch with opposite knee up and twist to that side. Every step should be a lunge stretch (not once every 2 to 3 steps like previous routines). See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Groin Stretch or Side Lunge: 1 x 10 yards lateral lunge facing one direction, then return 1 x 10 yards facing opposite direction.
Spiderman See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Inchworm See Youtube Video for correct technique.
Carioca withbig turns: 2 x 15 yards. See Youtube Video for correct techniques.
Backward Run: 2 x 15 yards
Shuffle & Sprint: 2 x 15 yards – Shuffle 5 yards, Sprint 10 yards.
Sprint & Shuffle: 2 x 15 yards – Sprint 10 yards, Shuffle 5 yards.
Build-Ups: 2 x 30 yards – sprint at 80% effort for 10 yards, 90% for 10 yards, 100% for 10 yards.
Note: if you are still tight before a game/practice or after warmups, do some static or isometric type stretches for areas like hamstrings, calves, ankles (both sides of foot), top of foot, thighs, chest, arms, waist. Ask Coach Carl or a trainer if unsure what these are or look like.
Now Go Have a Great Game/Practice !!!
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